
My tree has acorns for the first time that I can remember. It’s still looking good…. ~Jill

My tree is continuing to fill out after the Oak Wilt…. ~Richard

I had the pleasure of accompanying Dave on a follow-up call for a customer in Lakeway. The customer enthusiastically gave us a tour of his property pointing out the new growth in his trees. He then showed us the before/after pictures displaying the results. Remarkable. ~John

I see lots of new foliage on the top of the crowns of my trees after being treated for oak wilt … I highly recommend using them.  ~Milton

I live on a golf course, and while golfing, I came to the tee by my house; to my surprise, I noticed my tree was a different color than before.  There was lots of new growth all over my tree.  They treated two trees on the golf course for me that were dying from Oak Wilt.  They also have new leaves all over them.  I will say I was apprehensive before but not now.  Their product did just what they said it would do.  ~Gill

Call us today at 512.712.6100 for a consultation for your property.

Contact Us Today so we can help save your Live Oak Trees from Oak Wilt


Visit the City of Austin for more information about Oak Wilt.